Wednesday, March 16, 2011


These cookies were made last Friday before the earthquake/tsunami. "Chocolatiest Crinkles" by Lori Longbotham.

The original recipe makes 4 dozen, which is not an amount I need to have around this house.

So, I cut this recipe to 1/4.

After putting most of the ingredients together, I realized that I didn't have white sugar, I went to the market to get some.

In some ways, I think it was sort of a sign.

Since we were low on rice, I was able to pick up a bag as well as some other groceries.

The cookies turned out good, chewy and a little crisp.

In the afternoon, the earthquake and tsunami struck and over the next couple of days many people started hoarding food and supplies especially in Tokyo.

In Tokyo, they are also having mandatory power outages.

The government is asking everyone not to hoard especially gasoline/oil because they need it to help the rescuers and for heaters.

Many shelters are not heated because there is not enough fuel.

Today in Osaka we had flurries, some hail and sleet, though it was nothing in comparison to the disaster area in Tohoku, they had snow which hampered efforts.

Hopefully supplies can be distributed to those who need it, I've heard they were dividing 1 musubi (rice ball) amongst 4 people at some shelters!

For the past couple of nights, I've slept with my emergency bag nearby. It doesn't have half of what is actually necessary for a "real emergency" but until I can get a proper bag together, what I have in there will have to do. (kairo = portable hand warmers, some toilet paper, a pocket knife, my passport)

Hopefully I'll never have to use what is in that bag.

Pray for Japan.


  1. That is a good idea for an emergency pack, something that I would never have given a thought (I don't even have a proper emergency band-aid kit). Stay safe and well.

  2. Hopefully you won't have to use it but it's always good to be prepared. Take care of yourself!!

  3. You're always on my mind Kat.

  4. It is always best to be fully prepared and ready, especially in Japan. Hopefully, you will never need to use it.

    Nothing beats a good chewy chocolate cookie!!

    Japan Australia

  5. it's horrible to see snow in sendai on TV. It's the first time I feel like snow is too much when usually I like it :(

    I'll pray for you and everyone in Japan, always.

  6. You, your friends and all of Japan are in my thoughts and prayers.

  7. we don't really have a good band-aid kit either Rowena. Guess we should all carry a little water and some food wherever we go, never know.

    Thanks Islandgirl :)

    Thanks Jalna :)

    Thanks Patzie :)

    Thank you Seattle PG :)

    Take care everyone.

  8. Having grown up on disaster-prone Guam, I always have emergency supplies on hand but haven't put it together in a bag -- that's a good idea. My emergency supplies always include SPAM! ; ) Your crinkles look very chocolatey... yum! Keep safe, dear Kat.

  9. I am glad you have emergency kit ready to go. I don't have a bag put stock a section of the hall closet with stuff--just in case and whether you use it or not it makes you feel better I think.

  10. am throwing a couple cans of Vienna & spam in my bag Manju :) thank you.

    so true Deb in Hawaii.

    Take care you two.


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