Saturday, April 02, 2011


One morning I saw someone making okara patties on television and it reminded me that I hadn't made them in awhile.

Okara are the "leftovers" after making tofu, the lees, it is also called "u-no-hana".

After going to the market, I sort of followed this recipe, this time adding a little minced chicken to make the patties.

After cooking them in some oil to brown, I made the thick sauce.

I sauteed some veggies (eringi, carrot, red bell pepper, spinach) in a non-stick pan without oil, then added the ingredients for the sauce, and thickened it up with a slurry then spooned the sauce over the patties.

It was so good with rice that Satoshi had seconds.

Whenever I buy okara, it comes with two 120 gram packages, so on another night, I made another okara recipe this time using this recipe.

Using similar ingredients as the patties, this turned out to be an okara scramble, of sorts.

I sauteed some minced chicken, diced onion, hijiki, carrot, red bell pepper, eringi and okara in some sesame oil.

When the minced chicken was cooked through and everything was broken up, I added a scrambled egg, some lettuce and some oyster sauce.

Okara is quite "sand"-like, so we ate this with a spoon. I think putting this over rice, like a donburi, would have been a better way to eat this than keeping the rice and scramble separate.

What have you been eating?


  1. As always your dinners sound good to me. For me recently it's been all types of baguettes, pastries, salads, fruit, a galette, vege soup, fromage frais, and compote.

  2. Hi Kat - I thought that only my Mom loved okara, until I made tofu at home one day, and found out the Missus loves the stuff too!

  3. hope you are enjoying yourself TK!

    I remember you telling me that the Missus loves okara, Kirk :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Oishisoooo!!! Very healthy comfort food. Yum!

  5. Oops... I submitted without checking. I actually never bother to look for Okara. I should check at a supermarket here!

  6. Thanks Nami, I hope you can get inexpensive okara where you are :)

    Take care.

  7. You know I have never really cooked with okara before--but both your recipes make me want to try it. ;-)

  8. I hope you give it a try Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care.

  9. The colors are so bright and tempting on my screen, so I can imagine Satoshi going for seconds. Today we went "kilo krazy" at the weekly open air market. Fava beans and all kine artichokes are beginning their season, but I wanna wait til prices drop a little more on the asparagus. Veggies!!!!!

  10. Needed some colorful veggies, Rowena :) can't wait for asparagus to start showing up in the markets...ooh and green peas...spring is greens!!

    Take care.

  11. We usually make okara-tuna burgers, but I like that scramble-donburi idea!

  12. ooh Manju, I should try okara tuna sounds good :)

    Take care.


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