Wednesday, April 27, 2011


This past Monday was another Twitter Food Party. This month's theme was chocolate.

I hadn't participated in awhile and happened to make these muffins so I "brought" them to the party.

I made plain muffins and added a square of Ghiradelli Dark & Raspberry chocolate to each.

While the muffins baked, the raspberry oozed out and the chocolate melted.

They look kind of ugly but taste really nice.

I wonder what next month's ingredient will be?


  1. Ooooh, great idea! I don't think they look ugly at all.

  2. I found your muffins look not so bad :)

    Last week I baked also chocolate muffins from an old chocolate Santa Claus. And now we have many chocolate Easter bunnies ;)

  3. I wish this isn't virtual event as I would love to try everyone's food! hehehe The muffins looked yummy!

  4. Yum, looks and sounds good! I've done something similar but with those square Dove chocolates on top :o)

  5. Didn't know such a thing existed! How fun!

  6. aw thanks Jalna!

    that sounds like a great way to use up candies Mokiko :)

    so true Patzie!

    ooh Dove on top must've been nice K!

    if you are on twitter Marie, just search for #twitterfoodparty and join in, just up load the photo with the hashtag :)

    Take care everyone!

  7. Yum! Your muffins look great to me. I won't complain about oozy chocolate on top. ;-)

  8. I'll save you one too Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care.

  9. Hey Kat! I think the girls decided on tofu for next month's #twitterfoodparty

  10. Thanks Pocky, I must've missed that tweet :)

    Take care.


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