Sunday, May 22, 2011


Chideji (chee-deh-gee) is what the Japanese call digital terrestial broadcasting or digital television.

Apparently most of the world is switching and Japan will switch over to digital television in July of this year.

In a country where they manufacture flat screen televisions, let me tell you that when the switch from analog to digital was announced a couple of years back the supposedly "only route" was to purchase a flat screen tv and/or get, that is what everyone did.

Of course not wanting to jump on the bandwagon too quickly, we waited until this year debating all along what we should do.

And we were leaning towards getting a flat screen when we thought, "hey, our television still works fine...I wonder what other options are out there".

And lo and behold...the converter box or as the Japanese call them, "chideji tuner".

The price for these tuners range from 4000 to 20,000 yen (about US$40-$200) depending on what you want the tuner to do and what your tv can do.

The electronics store is all pro-flat screen tv and you can tell too because the whole floor is loaded with them.

While the tuners are placed in a little corner, not able to attract much attention to them.

So, based on our television's abilities we purchased a tuner for about US$80 (on sale, woot!)...

But, guess who had to set it up?? Moi (me).

In fact, I set up all the appliances (including our computer) and put together all the furniture in our apartment...and the manuals are in Japanese! (thank goodness for pictures and lots of intuition.)

Anyway, I followed the instructions to set up the tuner and it worked okay, but our vcr (video recorder) wouldn't record properly.

Yes, we still have a vcr...some may think this is prehistoric in a world where DVD and Blu-Ray is everywhere but we are usually a couple of steps behind the times anyway.

A good thing was our vcr manual actually had instructions on how to record using one of these tuners.

The only thing with these manuals are they don't truly explain all the gory details.

Well, maybe they are but I can't read all the Japanese kanji (Chinese characters) and Satoshi, even if he can read the characters, doesn't know too much about electronics, so he can't explain anything to me--which is when the pictures come into play (if there are any).

(You should also know this why we used to have the same type of cell phone, so I can be his "live" manual...sigh)

So anyway, with a 3-6 RCA cable and much trial and error, I figured out how to record from digital tv, the only problem is that you can't watch another station while it is videotaping...WT?

To do this, we would need one tuner for the tv and one tuner for the vcr...which is not as much as purchasing a flat-screen, so we may indeed go this route.

For now, with analog tv "still alive", we can continue to tape programs as we have been doing, and continue to watch our two screen tv--with one side digital, one side analog and continue to use our television for as long as it "lives".

At the end of all of this, I tried explaining the whole set up to Satoshi, including how to use it and it was like I was speaking another language to him...he had this blank look on his face the whole time...I guess I'll need to write down instructions for him, like I did with the washing machine and microwave oven.


  1. Hah? (with blank look on my face)

  2. Hi Kat - For a while, you could get major government discount coupons here. Each household could use 2 $40 coupons when purchasing a converter.

  3. lol Jalna :)

    I think the day when this government gives discount or free anything Kirk is when land-animals start to fly...

    Take care you two.

  4. I meant to say 4 legged animals...

  5. Here if you have cable, as almost everyone, it is converted for you. No need for individual converters.

  6. yeah Nate, I think that is what my mom did, but she still has her vcr, which I think I helped her set up too.

    Take care.

  7. Seriously, just bite the bullet. Get a nice flatscreen TV & HDD recorder. The new combo will work together better and use less electricity.

  8. actually we rather use the money to travel Contamination.

    Take care.

  9. I would've chosen the easier (and more expensive) route because if you tell all this to me, I'll have that blank look too. XD

  10. That is funny Lina, but I totally understand :)

    Take care.

  11. Kat, my are too good. I would have tossed that manual at my hubs and told him to figure it out or hire someone to set it up for us. Lol!!

  12. I remember when Italy switched over to digital and there was this mad rush for some people to get the best decoder/tuner thingies or whatever. And then of course the peeps who just wanted to have it all-in-one with tv+tuner. We scored when MotH's coworker bought one, didn't like it, too lazy to exchange it, and just gave it to him...for free. We still have our little 14-inch bulky tv (from 2003!) and it's still functioning, but half the time I watch stuff on the pc via streaming.

  13. free! that is cool Rowena, I watch stuff online too whenever the region isn't blocked.

    Take care.

  14. with my slooooow internet you can imagine how long I must wait to watch anything. So I put the movie on pause and while it is uploading, I go clean house, do laundry, whatever. Like right now I am waiting for the new Pirates of the Carribean movie to finish uploading so I can watch it while I eat lunch!

  15. yeah I remember you mentioning how your internet is slow Rowena, lucky you can see the latest movies online :)

    Take care.

  16. You are too funny! I am not good about reading manuals and usually just try and figure stuff out on my own which probably takes twice as long as reading the manual. ;-)

  17. Thanks Deb in Hawaii :)

    Take care.

  18. Hehehe.. I feel bad for chuckling but you are funny Kat! :)
    I have a VCR at home but I can't record anything because of the digital network. Anyhow, I've got a cable box with recording features so It kind of worked out :)

  19. I'm glad it all worked out for you Moshi :)

    Take care.

  20. This made me smile. I'm like Satoshi with electronics and leave itvall to my husband.

  21. I'm glad I made you smile Barbara :)

    Take care.


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