Friday, May 13, 2011


The weather has been crappy over the past three days. We had rain rain and more rain.

On top of that a certain "blog" has copied every post that I have posted over the last month or so, which put together with the ugly weather, has made me really grouchy and upset.

I kind of want to link the said site so you can see all the stolen material, but don't want you to all rush over there and give them the "hits" that they are probably looking for.

Sure, they have my URL in their side bar, but they don't actually link my posts to my URL. (They don't even have a place to comment or to contact them...)

Well, I've filed a DCMA with Google, I think I have also found the actual host of this site and have sent them a complaint too.

I have no idea why anyone would want to copy stuff.

Definitely no class.

Anyway, it is Friday here, hope your week is going better than mine is and I hope your weekend will be nice too.


  1. Kat, I'm with you on this and look forward to something being done in your favor. As you know, with me it's mainly the photos, and it really is a piss-a** when sites use my images and do not give credit. I spell everything out in my flickr profile (english and italian), but obviously even that is too much to bother with for some people.

  2. That's so rude!! You put a lot of hard work and effort into your posts and that's just wrong! I hope the site is taken down soon.

    Looking forward to your future yummy posts.

  3. Oh no! I hate it when that happens! Hope this gets sorted out soon. Very sorry to hear it.

  4. Oh no I hate that. I've had single images used but not entire articles.

  5. Kat, that's terrible! I hope you can get them to stop. I've been following your blog for a few years and really enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing a snapshot of life in Japan.

  6. It's a shame people do that. At least you found it and hopefully can get it removed. It should be removed.

    Hope your day gets better.

  7. Hi Kat,

    That's horrible! I would understand why it would make you feel irritated!

    Anyhow, the weather here is really hot, reaching 35.3 degrees last Sunday. Glad it rained yesterday, cool respite from the unbearable humidity.

    Hope you will have pretty weather today :)

  8. How annoying! Hope it all gets resolved soon.

  9. I'm sorry Kat, that's really cruddy. Hope your weekend improves!

  10. i am so sorry to hear someone is stealing your stuff...that is so unclassy! i am glad you are taking action :)

  11. That sucks Kat! I'm going to hope that karma bites them in the butt soon. :-(

  12. I hope so too Deb in Hawaii :o

    Take care.

  13. That's horrible! How did you even come across this site? There's got to be a million food blogs out there.

  14. I noticed I was getting hits from it on Flickr, Pocky and what do you know...looks like I may have hit a dead end with the host site though, it isn't the "true" host site...but I notice my "rant" wasn't published there...if they really had a conscience (sp?), they would remove all the stuff they stole.

    Take care.

  15. Hi Kat! That's awful and mean. I hope bogger gets back to you quickly.

    On a separate note, I've discovered that my previous comments was deleted or missing. Due to blogger being down I guess. Boo hoo. :(

  16. Sorry some of your comments are missing Moshi :(

    I know Jalna :0

    Take care you two.

  17. So now a few days later... did they copy this post on their site as well? It's so not right!

  18. nope they didn't copy this one Nami...they should just take all the ones they stole from me off of their blog!

    Take care.

  19. So they ARE reading! >_< Totally not fair and super rude!

  20. Hi Kat - That totally sucks. I hope you're able to get some resolution!

  21. totally Nami!

    me too Kirk!

    Take care you two.

  22. whoa! looks like Blogger restored lost comments! Thanks for all your support and kind words Rowena, Anon, Su-Lin, Dennis, WCinDC, blukats, moshi, K, LJ, Cakewhiz :) really appreciate it!

    Take care.

  23. So glad to learn this got resolved, sort of. Definitely not a classy thing to do to steal content!

  24. It looks like the last upload was 5/24 Manju, so it seems that they have been stopped :)

    Take care.


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