Friday, July 22, 2011

dress code

Most times in Hawaii, there isn't a dress code for men.

You can go "out" in t-shirt and shorts.

If the event is "fancy", then some dress in aloha wear or maybe a polo shirt. Suits or jackets are rarely worn here.

A lot of our t-shirts have local sayings on the back or front. Some may be funny to locals but not necessarily so to "foreigners".

Anyway, I recently saw this group of grandpas outside of the market, chatting away and people watching.

I loved the saying on the back of this one guy's shirt..."old guys rule", thought it summed up the gist of their group...


  1. Cute--that is a great shirt. ;-)

  2. Love that!! Very Cool!! I wanna be part of the group one day :)

    Japan Australia

  3. That is too funny, I'm sort of wondering why Japan adapted the ole British way of "what mean wear to work" because it's just not practical for how hot it gets in Japan, right? (Aside from the Northern parts)

    With AC to run and duck into for a quick replenish of something cool is spare. That t-shirt saying is a classic!

  4. cute yeah?! Jalna

    I thought so too Deb in Hawaii :)

    You better make your reservations then, J-A :)

    up until JPN starting their Cool Biz thingy I thought it was quite crazy for people to have to wear suits to work esp during the summer Elle Marie. I hear there is a necktie association that ranted when they started the cool biz...I don't think they can ever go "casual"...

    Take care everyone!

  5. I'll be joining in a couple years!

  6. i wonder if he realised his T-shirt has priceless words on :)

  7. Old ladies need a tshirt too. Hmmm...i wish I could think of something cool to put on a shirt!

  8. Hi Kat - LOL! "old guys" (like me) do rule! he-he-he......

  9. he he Nate!

    probably not Patzie :)

    okay that is your homework Rowena ;)


    he he Kirk!

    Take care everyone!


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