Sunday, July 03, 2011

hawaii drinks

The peanut butter brain freeze at Blue Hawaii Lifestyle used to be a secret on their menu.

I found out about it on Twitter awhile back and wanted to try it.

I finally got to the other day, it is a little sweet a little salty has a hit of coffee and would be even better with a hit of chocolate...US$3.93 (with tax)

This sort of reminded me of the ono ono shake at KC Drive Inn, except this one didn't have the chocolate....Chocolate please!!

Blue Hawaii Lifestyle
Ala Moana Center (near Nordstrom)
Honolulu, Hawaii
Phone: 808.949.0808

p.s. If you read our blog in a reader, you may not have been able to check out the new "bling" I added to the header...tell me what you think.

p.p.s. got an email from Satoshi saying that it was so hot he had to sleep with the air conditioner on all know, Japan is trying to conserve energy in order to make up for the supply that the closed nuclear power plants used to produce?? Well, I say, use that air conditioner, it is definitely better than having heat stroke!


  1. Apparently my mom drank peanut butter milkshakes and ate peanut butter pie her entire pregnancy with me. No wonder I love PB!

    And you're right--chocolate makes everything better. Maybe they'll take the hint.

  2. Yummy! I love that drink
    at Blue Hawaii.

    A few of us will be going for coffee at Beach Bum Cafe late this morning. (Maybe 11ish). Want to drop by? :)

  3. It's not fair to make me hungry so early in the am! I'm craving peanut butter now, heck I might order a PB & J, but that shake sounds divine. I want a peanut butter cup so badly. It feels great not to have to sleep with the AC on, I am having second thoughts on going back to Japan, but I might change my mind a few months later, AGAIN! "giggles"

  4. that is awesome Abigail, I've heard reverse effect stories from others :)

    Thanks Rick! I'm sorry I saw this too late.

    he he Elle Marie, yeah the heat and humidity of Japan's summer would make a LOT of us run!

    Take care everyone.

  5. I just wanted to say how much I love reading your blog! I'm originally from Japan but now living in Vancouver, BC. We LOVE Hawaii so your blog is the best of both worlds for me. Thanks and hope you enjoy your time in Hawaii!

  6. Thanks very much marikot for your kind comment! I hope I don't disappoint with my posts.

    Take care.

  7. Looks pretty good and although I'm not a huge peanut butter fan would give this a try.

    Japan Australia

  8. Glad to hear you are having a good time with your family. My son and wife are in Hawaii on honeymoon this week.

  9. I think you may enjoy it J-A :)

    That is wonderful Barbara! Congratulations to you and your family :)

    Take care you two.

  10. I have been wanting to try that drink but I haven't yet. It looks good.

  11. Yep...I agree. Hit that puppy up with some chocolate and I'm in!

  12. the small was just the right amount, Deb in Hawaii :)

    Rowena, chocolate!!! :)

    Take care you two.

  13. I do like the new bling~as well as anything with peanut butter!Would love to taste that drink.....

  14. WOW! I have never heard of this! Looks delicious and I'm very interested in this... Your posts making me want to go to Hawaii... Iina~~~~.


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