Saturday, July 16, 2011

hawaii volunteers

Do you volunteer? I thought about it and realized that I have been doing so ever since grade school, from sign waving for politicians to cleaning the highways with organizations.

Well, it is that time of year again when I go to help my mom's church make tsukemono.

We again did 300 pounds of daikon (long white radish) and marinated them for takuan and kogen (two types of daikon pickles).

One thing I love about helping is the food afterwards...Each time, the food is almost never the same...

You may notice that the hot dog is red, people in Hawaii love their "red" foods. These hot dogs don't have the "snap" that I've come to love but it was delicious all the same, a little nostalgic even.

I also love the chatter during and after, so many personalities, some hard work and lots of fun.


  1. It has been awhile since I've done any volunteer work and it is such a great feeling to be doing something as a group. Sounds like you always have so much fun.

  2. Great to help out with some volunteer work. I think a lot of us do without really thinking about it too much. As you said you have been doing various things since grade school.

    That is a lot of tsukemono!!

    Japan Australia

  3. I try to Rowena :)

    It was J-A!

    Take care you two.

  4. Very nice to volunteer!!!

  5. It sounds like a fun day. I need to volunteer more regularly--I do it here and there but not enough.

  6. it was fun Deb in Hawaii :) hope you get to volunteer more often.

    Take care.


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