Sunday, July 24, 2011

mango season

Summertime is usually mango season in Hawaii, but this year, the crops are kinda late.

Too much rain and not enough sun are the instead of receiving mangoes from neighbors and friends, we had to buy...eep!

US$4.40 for this mama of a Haden was sweet and delicious!

After we purchased this one, a friend gave us some from their tree and we also got some Pirie mango from my Aunty.

Even though we had to buy that first mango, I'm happy we've been able to receive more...Hope I get to eat a little more mango before I go back to Japan.


  1. Love your blog! This year was the first time I had to BUY mangoes, too. This year's weather has been a little strange. Hope you get to eat your fill before you go back.

  2. Thanks so much Anon! crazy weather we've been having this summer, yeah?!

    Take care.

  3. I just saw some mangoes in Sam's Club. I forget how much they were . . . around 12 bucks for 8? I forget. They didn't look good to me.

  4. hope you get lots of mango J-A!

    wow Jalna that is expensive, yeah?!

    Take care you two.

  5. I definitely have not had my fill of mangoes yet this year. ;-)

  6. You know how lucky you are? (I'm betting that you do, teehee!). There won't be anything at all when I go back, that's for sure.

  7. hope you get to eat more Deb in Hawaii!

    I am being greedy by saying that I hope to get some fresh lychee in the mix too, Rowena :)

    Take care you two.


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