Tuesday, July 19, 2011

odds & ends

I think I'm getting hooked on Moleskine notebooks...

I saw one on Hapa|Hale's blog earlier this year and wanted to get it.

It is embossed with the Hawaiian Islands. I've not yet used the grid-type of notebook, so I look forward to using it after I fill up my journal type notebook.

I also have the free app they have on iTunes, but it is too complicated and not very useful in my opinion.

My journal type notebook (left) and daily diary (right) looked kinda boring being plain and just black (actually I would get them confused when I grabbed one in a hurry)...so I started sticking stickers on them to "tell them apart"...

There is also an address book in the daily diary, so I stuck a sticker of President Obama on it (for no particular reason)...I have addresses and phone numbers in it, though I am not using it alphabetically, and I also have notes and memos in there too.

Whenever we go to the movies in Japan, pre-sale tickets are much cheaper than buying them on the day of the show (1300 yen (pre-sale) vs 1800 yen (day of) about US$13 vs US$18).

The neat thing about this is that after they remove half of the ticket to exchange for a seat ticket, you are left with a mini movie poster, so I've started sticking them in my daily diary also.

I find having these mini movie posters helps me remember what the movie's story was about...

I've also started jotting down the different teas I've tried by various makers.

The only thing about these large notebooks is that they are quite heavy.

Do you use moleskine? What do you use them for?


  1. I like the idea of those mini posters on the ticket receipt. Often times I forget what a film was about (or that I even saw it). Your duckie stickers are too cute!

  2. Thanks Rowena, I got those duckie stickers when I saw the big duck.

    Take care.

  3. Great idea with the mini posters on the movie ticket.

    Japan Australia

  4. Hey Kat - I use moleskin notebooks for my notes; especially when we travel. They work out real well for us.

  5. Ooo the islands moleskine is so pretty! Do you know if they still have them at na mea/native books or did you order them online? Love it! Confess to a moleskine addiction as well ;)

  6. Thanks Jalna & J-A!

    Ah that is why your trip posts are so detailed Kirk :) love them!

    They had just received another order Kathy, you could probably call in and have them send them to you (or ask your mom to pick them up and send them to you).

    Take care everyone!

  7. They meaning Na Mea/Native Books Kathy :)

    Take care.

  8. You keep journals? That's what I used to do...mmmm long time ago, but I love finding a perfect notebook and adore it every time I write something in the book. :-) Now I can't leave my iPhone as all my info is in there. But I still love old fashion notebook. I'm envious! My kids will find it and draw on it so I can't keep it around anymore...hehee.

  9. actually Nami, I never really used to, I started about 12 years ago writing down what foods I ate, it was supposed to help me lose weight ;p it turned me into a foodie instead!

    Take care.

  10. Love the duckies!

    Also like that you stick the movie ticket stub in there- great idea!

  11. I love moleskines but I haven't bought one in a while...they're quite pricey here and I go through one quite quickly! I guess I'm using my phone more as a notepad lately too...

  12. Thanks K!

    They are quite pricey in Japan, Su-Lin, I also use my phone more to keep notes, but I also transfer them onto paper afterwards :)

    Take care you two.

  13. I love the Hawaii moleskin. I need to stop by and grab one. I have a wellness journal from Moleskin someone just gave me and I use the small wallet sized ones for notes and such--they are a good size for the purse. ;-)

  14. if you get one I hope you like it Deb in Hawaii, I've thought about getting the recipe journal but there were some areas I know I wouldn't fill so decided against it (I'll probably make-up my own) :)

    Take care.


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