Tuesday, August 16, 2011

no meteors

Were you able to see some of those meteors from that Perseid meteor shower?

No meteors to be seen over here...mainly because there was a nearly full moon lighting up the skies.

Oh, well, made for a great photo, even if it was blurry.


  1. How beautiful!!! It's hard to take good pictures in darkness and I don't have patience for that...

  2. Hey Kat - We thought about driving to the desert to check it out....but ended up being too lazy.

  3. No meteors on this side either. ;-) Love this picture though.

  4. Same here...zip, zero, nada but it was nice looking at the full moon!

  5. I'm clueless, I didn't even have any idea!

  6. I don't have much patience either Nami!

    You probably would've seen a lot Kirk!

    Thanks Deb!

    it was J-A!

    so true Rowena!

    aw boo Elle :(

    Take care everyone!


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