Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Oh my gosh, the weather went from comfortable to totally miserably hot and humid. The sun feels like a broiler.

I don't know why I even put make-up on my face, it just starts to drip off as soon as I go outside (sometimes even before I go out).

When I go to the supermarket, I am just dripping with perspiration. They say this weather should only last this week.

I hope so.

Anyway, also with the new issue of "Elle a Table" was a furoku (freebie), a furoshiki with handles.

This furoshiki is 70 cm x 70 cm.

Perfect if you are bringing something over to a pot luck or even out to a picnic.

I hope to use it the next time I go on a picnic, probably when the weather gets cooler though.


  1. Sounds like you got the heat and humidity we had last week!

  2. I hate hot and humid. Lucky we got trades here. So cool you got one furoku furoshiki.

  3. I love the little goodies that come with magazines and other things in Japan! This one is v. cute and seems useful.

  4. yikes Kirk that must be really hot then.

    loved the trades at home Jalna!

    yes the freebies are nice K!

    Take care everyone.

  5. Sending cool breezes over your way :) It was crazy hot in NYC this summer, but luckily September has been good so far...

  6. Okay so it might not be makeup-melting hot over here, but I do notice that the sun is especially brutal during the day. I can only imagine how rough it is for the grape harvesters....picking grapes all day in 30°C? Argh!

  7. thanks Kathy!

    I say farming is hard work, Rowena!

    Take care you two.

  8. A furoshiki with handles? now that is a great idea :)

    Japan Australia

  9. definitely nice with the handles, J-A!

    Take care.

  10. You always have such fun little gifties there with your magazines. I'm jealous. ;-)

  11. which means I have to watch how many of these type of magazines I buy Deb :0

    Take care.


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