Thursday, September 15, 2011


I've been recycling this Oil of Olay wash cloth box for some time now.

I use it for packets of furikake.

It fits one package of assorted furikake perfectly (which is 20 packets).


  1. I can't really tell the dimensions but it also looks perfect for a recipe box? Or are recipe boxes so last century already? Come to think of it, I haven't written anything down on a 5x3-inch card in a long, long time.

  2. I think it may be perfect for 3x5 inch cards, Rowena, though the last time I tried looking for some in Japan, I couldn't find any :( I tend to write recipes down into notebooks these days.

    Take care.

  3. You know what, we have the same one (somehow my husband used to have it...don't laugh...). It's been all dried up, but I'm going to throw the inside and going to use it for Furikake too!!!! You are so smart!

  4. Looks good for a space saver and always good to recycle when possible :)

    Japan Australia

  5. I think I have one of these somewher e- I try to keep boxes like these around too for reusing :o) Great idea with the furikake!

  6. You are so good. ;-) You should send a picture to the company and show them your creative recycling.

  7. Thanks Christine!

    That is funny Nami! I'm glad you'll use it for furikake too :)

    Thanks J-A!

    Ooh another person to join the club K :)

    Thanks Fried John!

    He he thanks Deb!

    Take care everyone!


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