Wednesday, October 19, 2011


At first, I thought they were the pesky weeds that pop up in the soil at about this time of year....I'm glad I didn't pull them out...

because they turned out to be the Italian parsley I planted...woot!

Can't wait for it to get bigger so I can start cooking with it.


  1. I'm always delighted to see that my Italian parsley has survived the winter! So nice to have it on hand :)

  2. Nothing better than fresh herbs from the garden for home cooking :)

    Japan Australia

  3. I am always happy to see anything that has survived the winter Lizzy :)

    So true J-A!

    Take care you two.

  4. Hey Kat - You really do have a green thumb!

  5. Glad you got something growing. When we left, the shiso plants had a ton of HUGE leaves and I thought they'd still be ok when we got back. Wrong. The weather dropped from 18°C to 6°C in the mornings and everything died. No complaints for the cold here....those high 80's in Hawaii plus humidity was a killer!

  6. we are still in the 20s here Rowena, at very least 18 but nothing lower...too bad about your shiso, there's always next year :)

    Take care.


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