Saturday, November 19, 2011

yuzu marmalade

I was hoping to buy a couple of jars of yuzu marmalade, but I think I'm a little too early in the season because I couldn't find any around the Minoo station area.

I did come upon a vendor selling 3 yuzu (citron) for 150 yen (there was another vendor selling 1 yuzu for 100 yen!), so I bought some and decided to try making some myself.

The skins on most of these yuzu were speckled, so I only used the true yellow parts.

I squeezed the juice from the yuzu then from the peel, scraped away some of the pith.

Then I sliced the peel.

After slicing, I weighed the peel then measured the same amount of sugar.

In a pot, I added the peel, sugar, 2 cups water and the juice of the yuzu and brought everything to a boil.

While it was boiling, I scraped away the scum.

When the mixture started to evaporate to about half, the scum weaned and it was ready.

I think in the end I ended up with about 1 cup of marmalade.

A little bitter from the peels, but this is gonna be nice as yuzu tea or as a topping for yogurt.


  1. I'm so envious you get to enjoy yuzu. The closest I can enjoy is yuzu extract... which is not the same! I like yuzu's ofuro~~!

  2. A great idea to make your own Yuzu Marmalade. We usually buy ours from a Korean Supermarket and its perfect for making Yuzu-cha.

    Japan Australia

  3. I hope you get a chance to come back during yuzu season Nami :)

    the marmalade they sell at the Korean markets is delicious, J-A!

    Take care you two.

  4. Hi Kat - You wouldn't believe how expensive yuzu is here in the states...when you can get it!

  5. I actually know some people in Hawaii who have it growing in their yard, Kirk! Didn't realize how expensive it is there.

    Take care.

  6. I suspect that we don't have yuzu here (hint to the citrus growers). I love how yellow they are.

  7. but you have blood oranges, Rowena! something that we don't have...

    Take care.

  8. No idea whar 100 yen equals but I have a feeling u should bring some next trip to Paris. It could pay for yr hotel room possibly..

  9. I think 100 yen is about 139 euros right now, PB :) When I get to Paris, I'll remember to bring you a bottle :)

    Take care.


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