Thursday, February 02, 2012

baked furikake sweet potatoes

I bought some sweet potatoes recently and wondered how I should cook them.

My "normal" way would be to steam them, but I wanted to try something different.

Bring in an easy recipe from the Peko Peko Charity Cookbook... (Have you bought your copy yet?! I hope so.)

The recipe comes from Barbara Kiebel, who has a beautiful blog (apparently, the blog is no longer online).

I didn't cut the potato into the "strips" like she instructed, my sweet potato was kind of small and skinny, so I just did relatively thin slices.

Here is her recipe: serves 2-3

2 large sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
4 tablespoons nori komi furikake

1. Preheat the oven to 425F (220C)

2. Peel the sweet potatoes and slice into 1/4 inch wide slices then 1/4 inch wide strips. Cut the strips in half if they are longer than 3 inches. Transfer to a large bowl, add the oil and mix to coat evenly. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of the furikake seasoning on the potato strips and mix carefully.

3. Lay the potato strips in a single layer on a baking sheet, do not over-crowd or they will steam and not crisp. Bake for 20-25 minutes, turning once to brown both sides.

4. Remove from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining 2 tablespoons of furikake seasoning. Serve warm.

NOTES: Since my oven is small and everything has to fit on the turntable to bake evenly, I used one sweet potato which I didn't peel.

For the furikake, I used one of those small packets and divided it in half, sprinkling half before baking and the rest afterwards. Also, the furikake I used was an okaka gobo (bonito & burdock).

Instead of vegetable oil, I used olive and used 1 tablespoon, I think I could have used 1/2 a tablespoon.

They didn't crisp up too much, but they were tasty, and easy. I'm making this again, maybe with some curry furikake next time.

UPDATE: curry furikake on these potatoes are awesome!


  1. A very interesting idea and I've never tried furikake on sweet potatoes before. The curry furikake version does sound really good :)

    Japan Australia

  2. Thanks Kirk, it was easy to do :)

    Thanks J-A, hope you try this.

    Take care you two.

  3. You have made me hungry (thankyouverymuch). I will look for some sweet potatoes when I go to te store.

  4. sorry Paz :0 hope you like this :)

    Take care.

  5. Oh yum, I love the idea of furikake on potatoes!

  6. Curry on sweet potatoes sounds winner. No need ketchup!

  7. this is great as a side dish or snack K :)

    indeed good, Rowena :) living in Japan, I've been kinda weaned off of ketchup w/fries...

    Take care you two.

  8. Such a great idea to add furikake to sweet potatoes. ;-)

  9. if you try this, I hope you like it Deb :)

    Take care.


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