Wednesday, March 07, 2012

culture shock

I recently saw this commercial on tv and was sort of appalled.

There is a young girl who comes out of the bathroom looking happy because she just "went" (bm)...

The slogan for the product is that even an 11 year old can take this medicine for constipation.

The thing that appalled me was why would an 11 year old even have to take medicine for constipation?

Aren't they eating properly?

Maybe I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill? I still think an 11 year old shouldn't have a need for this...


  1. TMI if you ask me! Fresh fruit and bran fiber cereal and the kids are off to the pool for me.

  2. That is pretty weird, an 11 year old should need medicine for that kind of thing!

    Kitty ox

  3. And even if the 11 year old child was constipated, I hope the parents would consult the pediatrician before following advice from a commercial.

  4. lol TMI indeed Rowena!

    so true Kitty!

    indeed Jalna!

    one would hope Lizzy!

    Take care everyone!

  5. That's quite strange.....though I did find "making a mountain out of a mole hill" somewhat pun worthy in those post.

  6. glad I made you smile Kirk :)

    Take care.

  7. oh dear...i am glad i didn't have to see that commercial!

  8. I'm glad you didn't have to see that commercial either Momto8.

    Take care.

  9. Kind of a strange commercial. ;-)


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