Friday, July 27, 2012

keep calm & carry on

I had seen this motto in Japan when they were having a British themed sale at an import shop.

Apparently this motto was thought up during WWII as a way to "cheer" on the Brits.

Before they could use it though, the war ended, so most of these posters were destroyed.

Then 60 years later, a bookseller named Stuart Manley, found this among some old books. And even more recently, more posters were found and auctioned.

The company, Keep Calm and Carry On was able to purchase one and used it for posters, t-shirts and other knick-knacks.

According to some, the motto sends a comforting and reassuring message.

I think it's pretty cool.


  1. That motto is perfect for me as that really is what I need to do with my life. Thank you for posting this.

  2. I love the motto as well. It has become very popular lately. I have seen may posters hanging on walls.

  3. This is so popular in England. There are loads of other versions of it too. My brother has a sign that says 'Keep calm and eat cake'! Now there's a motto to live by!

  4. it is nice isn't it Sandy?!

    ooh nice Susie!

    Take care you two.

  5. There needs to be a tshirt with Mr. Bean's face on it and the Keep Calm and Carry on logo underneath. What a riot that would be!

  6. love Mr Bean, that would be cool, Rowena!

    Take care.

  7. I have a mug that says Keep calm and eat a cake haha


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