Saturday, July 07, 2012

little treasures

I found these at the Friends of the Library booksale the other week.

Last year, I also checked out the sale, which I wrote about here.

The one on the left is a translated version of Arnold Lobel's "Mouse Tales".

I'm gonna see if I can get the english version at the library so I can write the english in the book I have.

Then, when I read it, I'll know what everything means.

The one on the right is a really old French text book. I looked online and someone had this book's date at 1890-1900?!

I debated on whether to get this book or not. But the more I debated, the more I wanted it, so I got it.

Am totally intrigued by the owner's bookstamp.

The pages are fragile and I love the different fonts and pictures.

Best part is that it was the 2nd to the last day of the sale, so everything was half off...I paid $1.15 (with tax) for these two books.


  1. S1.15!! What a bargain!


  2. Score!! My kind of shopping!

  3. thought you might enjoy this one, Jalna :)

    Take care.

  4. Ahh my dad used to bring my sister and I to that book sale every year...brings back good memories ^_^

  5. Your experience at finding this treasure is another reminder why I just can't wrap my head around Kindle or any type of electronic reader. Ever.

  6. that's nice Kathy :)

    I get the best of both worlds Rowena :)

    Take care you two.

  7. Nice find! The books look very interesting!

  8. they are indeed K!

    Take care.


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