Friday, July 20, 2012

parking meters

Finally! they have a way to deal with paying for parking without coins.

I remember having to use only quarters once in Waikiki.

The best place for on street parking though is Hilo (in my opinion), 10 cents for like half an hour, I kid you not.

Apparently this is temporary, they're testing it out.

Oh and if you have a smartphone or cell, you can pay by phone too.



Anonymous said...

Downtown Hilo has free parking, except for the downtown post office, which still takes pennies!

K and S said...

thanks for the heads-up, Anon!

Take care.

Rowena said...

Geez, Hawaii is moving on up faster than Italy. We still have to buy a ticket (with coins!) from the ticket kiosk that sometimes can be hard to find if you're parked at the far end from it. Also, when there aren't those kiosks you gotta go to a bar or newspaper stand to buy the dumb parking cards (what a waste of paper!) where you then scratch off the date/time of when you parked (with a coin or fingertip!), then leave said card on the dashboard. I like how some italians solve this problem by just parking on the sidewalk or in the middle of the street if there's a wide dividing line. Smart cars are the luckiest 'cause they can park anywhere with their diminuitive size.

jalna said...

Whoa . . . so high tech.

K and S said...

I think that is how Japan runs their parking on the streets too Rowena. But, you'll always see them parking wherever AND almost never being towed.

Check um out Jalna, in front of Honolulu Hale :)

Take care you two.

KirkK said...

That great's a hassle always havingto have change. BTW, when I was in Madison, the folks I was with didn't even know how to use a parking meter!

K and S said...

that is interesting Kirk!

Take care.

K said...

$0.20/hour is like a dream here!! haha

K and S said...

that is funny K!

Take care.