Sunday, July 01, 2012

saying goodbye

HUGE rainbow the other day.

I want to send this rainbow to a dear blogger friend, Barbara of Winos and Foodies, who I heard had passed away yesterday.

She was one of my first blog friends when I started this blog and had been battling cancer. In one of her posts, she taught me not to use phrases like "to die for", "so delicious I thought I died", phrases of that nature.

And because of her treatments, she couldn't enjoy the foods that she loved or cooking them. She also loved wine & bubbly but couldn't enjoy them as often.

We were Twitter friends as well as FB friends and competed on Bejeweled Blitz quite often, as well as Angry Birds.

Recently, I had heard she was having surgery to repair a collapsed lung.

Thoughts and prayers go out to her family and friends and though I've never met her in person, I know she's in no pain now and she will truly be missed.


  1. Man, it's been a tough year....

  2. tough indeed Kirk.

    Take care.

  3. Oddly enough, I try to catch myself when using the word die in stuff that i post. Also the word "kill" comes to mind, like "I'd kill for a piece of chocolate cake." Enough violence going around in the world! So sorry to hear about Barbara.

  4. I'm gonna add that one to my list too Rowena.

    Take care.

  5. My thoughts are going out to your friend!


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