Wednesday, August 08, 2012

hawaii reconnects

I recently reconnected with this particular tsukemono.

It tastes like the recipe I use for yatsumi-zuke.

I'm gonna try using other veggies next time I make this.


  1. Oh, I loove that tsukemono!

  2. One of the tsukemono things I miss was the baby nasube in some kind of shoyu/coleman mustard sauce. The nasube would be all wilted and marinated and salty, and kinda hot. My Mom and Aunts used to make it but I don't have a recipe for this dish. Also, here in Phoenix, I cannot get the small species of nasube here anyway and making it with the bigger long nasube is just not the same.

  3. Jalna, ono yeah?!

    my mom used to make one with beer, Anon, those baby nasubi aren't as available as before, I hope you get your hands on a good recipe though :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Kula Maui brand...good stuff!

  5. indeed Rowena :)

    Take care.


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