Friday, August 31, 2012

pot luck

In Hawaii, potluck parties are big. Most times the host/hostess of the party asks the people coming to the party to bring a certain type of dish (like a protein or a salad).

And "Hawaii style" means you usually bring more than one dish and usually more food than the amount of people attending.

In Japan, they call parties in someone's home, a "home party" (I think in English it is called a "house party"?!), the hostess is almost always cooking while the guests are enjoying themselves and you"ll almost never see the hostess eating anything. (gasp!)

Another thing are the Hawaii, most people mingle, walk around with their drinks and/or plates of food in their hands, chatting with the other guests.

Kids usually do not bother their parents instead finding somewhere to play.

In Japan, from what I've experienced, everyone gathers around a table, and there are many conversations all at once, competing with each other making their voices louder and louder.

Add to that, kids interrupting their parents conversations, all in all, it makes for one very noisy affair.

As a guest & hostess I've often felt worn out after attending & having these types of parties in Japan.

We just had one of these parties over the weekend and, maybe I'm biased, but I enjoyed the "laid back" feel of our potlucks in the Islands, especially with an awesome sunset like this one.

Do you have potluck parties where you live? How are they "run"?


  1. Ha, ha, ha -- we too love Hawaiian style pot lucks. Everything you said was (is) true with the Hawaiian pot luck mentality. But we have given up with trying to have Hawaiian style pot lucks here where we now live. Most of the time, there are multiple people who come and bring crap -- a dozen donuts, a pint of grocery store macaroni salad (yuck!), or maybe a container or plain vanilla ice cream. And those are the people who eat the most and try to take home a doggie bag to feed themselves for the next week or something. So we have given up.

  2. Local potluck parties are the best! ^_^ All that food...and all the sweets, mochi, ted's pies, rainbow jello... I totally agree with you about the laid back vibe. We have potluck parties here in NYC, but they're just not the same.

  3. That potluck looks so yummy! I think the potlucks here in the US come in all forms: sometimes there are "rules" and sometimes there aren't. At some of them you walk around and mingle, and at others everyone sits at the same table. It just depends! I think the low-pressure type are the best!

  4. ah those do not sound too fun, Anon!

    Kathy :)

    I think I've heard of those that you sit at a table, Mariko, kinda "formal" types, right?!

    Take care everyone!

  5. Pot luck Hawaii-style all the way. Nothing remotely like it in Italy, or atleast not in my husband's northern italian family. MotH says it's okay to ask a guest to bring something, but it depends on the type of event. As a rule most guests bring the booze or a pretty tray of purchased pastries. At the bbq dinner that we hosted in mid-August, one of the neighbors asked if she could bring an appetizer (she spoke to MotH so I didn't know at first). Well he told her no need but when I found out I told him why not? The more the merrier!

    Another thing I like about Hawaii pot lucks is that they use paper or plastic tableware. Less dishes fo' wash! I stayed up til 3:30am on that night of the bbq because I didn't like the idea of tackling dirty plates and wine glasses the next day.

  6. Hi Kat - Here when we have potlucks...everyone bring chips and dessert. We now make assignments. Funny about the difference in cultures.

  7. yes! paper goods! forgot to mention that one Rowena. I know we're all trying to save the planet and stuff but washing tons of dishes after a party is a real downer!

    interesting Kirk!

    Take care you two.

  8. I bet all of that food at the potluck was awesome!


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