Tuesday, September 18, 2012

thanks, eh?!

You know, with all the weight restrictions, and things you cannot bring onboard the plane these days...

Everything "liquidy" has to be packed into the bag that you check-in. Everything.

So, of course, mine is packed to the gills.

So intricately packed to the gills is my bag that I'm pretty sure everything would "fly out" if you unhooked those straps.

A rule I have is if you take something out, put it back where you found it...

"They" opened my suitcase, shuffled everything around, even opened my mango chutney.

WT?! mango chutney sauce all over my clean clothes because they didn't put the lid on properly...

I'm thankful nothing was confiscated.

And it could've been worse with broken bottle of mango chutney or mango chutney itself all over things...still hoping that the chutney is still edible though...

Like we say in Hawaii, "thanks, eh!"...sigh


  1. Please allow me to finish that exclamation for you.


    I would put that right up there along with British Air "losing" my bag and not compensating me for expenses incurred.

  2. Ugh that is so annoying!!!! I'm glad nothing got taken away though!

  3. That's unfortunate. I cannot believe that they opened the bottle of your chutney!

  4. I remember when BA lost your bag, Rowena :(

    me too K!

    me too Genki :(

    Take care everyone.


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