Saturday, September 15, 2012

the rain bonnet

In Hawaii, when it rains, you will almost always see grandmas wearing these rain bonnets to protect their hair-dos.

Though I think this is more a cultural thing for the outer island grandmas than the ones on Oahu.

My 96 year-old grandma always has one of these in her bag. Always.

For those sudden showers that Hawaii sometimes has.

Cute, yeah?!

Love you Gram!


  1. Cute! The picture of your grandma with the bonnet reminds me a lot of mine when she was still with us. The bonnet and her cat-eye glasses!! For some reason I remember her wearing one at my elementary school graduation, but I am sure that it wasn't raining that night!

  2. oh-em-gee, I think my grandma used to have cat-eye glasses too, Rowena, maybe everyone did back then, yeah?!

    Take care.

  3. Hahaha!!!! My mom (Hilo) always had one in her handbag too.

  4. Your grandma is soooo cute!
    Sandra (Sandy)

  5. she is yeah, Sandy :)

    Take care.


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