Saturday, December 15, 2012

"gingerbread men"

Major failure the other day...I was trying to make gingerbread men, but they poofed.

I know part of the problem has to be my cutting the recipe down, but they also didn't have enough spice.

They tasted more like sugar cookies.

At least they were a little chewy.

My friends on Facebook had lots to say to cheer me up. (Thanks guys!)

Anyway, I had this with some homemade chocolate ice cream.

My intention when I made this ice cream was to add some chocolate covered pop rocks, but what I bought, which was supposed to pop, didn't, it was more like chocolate covered cereal. (boo!)

The next day, I made ice cream sandwiches with these...


  1. Your gingerbread man makes me smile.

  2. You didn't want to make gingerbread men, you wanted to make Things! And they're perfect!!

    (You know, Thing, the character from Fantastic Four comics? for reference :-) )

  3. Thanks Jalna :)

    lol, thanks Rona!

    Take care you two.

  4. Love your gingerbread men Kat! It does kind of look like the Thing..... ;o)

  5. Haha! I love what Rona said as that's what popped into my mind...they DO look like the Thing!

    I am supposed to do gingerbread guys this week but the allspice part is a pain. We don't get ground allspice here - they come whole and are called jamaican spice berries. So I gotta do some grinding today.

  6. Rowena, can you believe I actually did a couple of hearts, stars and then people?! realized the hearts and stars were a p.i.t.a. and then did rounds...good luck with your spice grinding!

    Take care.

  7. Haha, I think they are still cute!!


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