Thursday, December 06, 2012

tsukiji no ra-yu

Back in October, I wrote about Takewaka.

I also wanted to tell you about their gu-iri ra-yu. As you know, I've also tried making gu-iri ra-yu from scratch, I should also tell you that it is also called "taberu ra-yu". "Taberu" means to eat.

I'm not so sure why they call it this, I mean, isn't all ra-yu edible?! I think it could be because it is "chunky" so you need to chew it...

The green label is a blend of maguro (tuna) and takana (Japanese mustard cabbage), the blue label is their "plain" and their red label is a blend with a lot of shoga (ginger).

The green label is perfect for fried rice.

Just saute your veggies and rice in some oil add a scrambled egg, then add the ra-yu to your liking.

The red label is nice on tofu, lots of ginger flavor. I think this may be nice on fish too.

We've had the blue label as a "mabo tofu" but I really like it on crispy gyoza.

None of these are really spicy, but they are all still very delicious.


  1. Mmm, everything looks delicious! I went through almost a whole jar when I was at my parents' over Thanksgiving haha.

  2. K, so good, yeah?!

    Take care.

  3. I love tabaru ra-yu on hiyayakko too! Everything looks great.

  4. Man, that tofu photo looks simply delicious.

  5. aw thanks, Kirk :)

    Take care.

  6. However they want to call it, it all looks onolicious.


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