Tuesday, January 29, 2013


It had been awhile since I visited SOL.

For one, the owner opens at noon, and it is rare that I am walking around his shop at that time.

Another thing was that he was renovating, taking over the kitschy knick-knack shop boasting "Hawaiian plate lunch" (which we were too afraid to try) next door.

By taking over the next door's space, he was able to increase the number of seats to eat on and also open up his kitchen.

I usually order the keema curry but it isn't back on his menu (yet), instead I ordered the chicken curry...300 yen.

The naan is definitely getting bigger...200 yen.

And the cup of chai had just the right amount of sweetness...100 yen.

It was nice to see a good amount of foot traffic while I was there.

There is no parking, though everyone just puts their hazards on and parks in front of the shop (typical Japan!)

He's kept his prices the same and I hope he can keep up with the orders, his curry is definitely worth going back for.


  1. Parking with the hazard lights on...same thing here! Regarding the hawaiian plate lunch that you were too scared to try...I just thought of Scott Caan dissing Hawaii food (although it seemed to me that he was just talking dodo with the host, whatever-her-face Lately). Some peeps in the islands don't understand haole rhetoric and sarcastic humor, and heck, we ARE slow. Where do they think the phrase "on hawaiian time" comes from?

  2. Ooh that naan looks puffy and delicious!

  3. I read that he dissed Hawaii, Rowena, which fired up all the social media sites. I'm more upset with that "bizarre" dude who won't touch SPAM...what's up with that?!

    Take care.

  4. It's nice that he's able to expand and keep the food the way you remember it.

  5. Geez plate lunches are everywhere now, Kat!

  6. that guy next door had all kinds of stuff from the 70's like pick-a-pop bottles and primo beer stuff, but his "plate lunches" were high priced and we were scared to go into his shop, it was always dark and neon-y, Kirk.

    Take care.


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