Friday, February 01, 2013

currently enjoying

We're currently enjoying this Oolong tea from MUJI.

It is called Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong, I checked online and it is supposed to be high quality.

The tea looks like round-ish pellets, but when brewed, it furls out to whole leaves.

I like the taste of this tea too, it has a slight floral fragrance.

Most oolong teas I've tried are brownish, but this one is greenish.

What are you enjoying these days?

It is Friday, hope you have a nice weekend!


  1. Ooh, sounds delicious, I always love trying out new teas.

  2. I love dong ding oolongs! Am currently drinking the same though bought mine from le palais des thes

  3. it is fun to try new teas, K :)

    ooh Le Palais des Thes, Kathy, nice!

    Take care you two.

  4. Hey Kat - I've been drinking tea ever since we got back from China. I like the unfermented Ti Guan Yin, which is a type of Oolong. Oh, and we've been eating quite a bit of sushi recently.....

  5. ooh I wonder if they have this tea here, Kirk, I have been enjoying your sushi posts for sure :)

    Take care.

  6. I'll never be a tea connoisseur. I'm still working through my stash of Kusmi teas (that I picked up in France last June) since my idea of tea is the kind that comes in a little bag that you plop into a mug of water that has been microwaved til boiling.

  7. I still have my Kusmi stash too Rowena :)

    Take care.


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