Friday, February 15, 2013

little okinawa

It was a 3-day weekend recently, and Monday was a holiday (National Foundation Day) which Satoshi had off, unfortunately he worked on Saturday and Sunday.

Anyway, not wanting to waste the day he had off, we went to check out Taisho-ku located in the Southern part of Osaka, also known as Little Okinawa.

Some of my relatives used to live here but have since moved back to Okinawa, too bad we'd never visited them while they were there.

This area is surrounded by the rivers of Osaka, kinda like an "island", though there are many bridges that connect it to Osaka prefecture.

Lunch was at a cute shop called Marutomi Shokudo, this place only has 4 tables, so if you go during lunch be prepared to wait or share your table with others.

I had the Okinawa soba (top photo), this was a shoyu based soup with tender seasoned pork belly, some kamaboko and some slices of hard boiled egg.

Perfect way to warm up on such a chilly day.

Satoshi had their soki soba, a miso based soup with pieces of tender seasoned pork ribs, daikon & cabbage.

There was also a complimentary andagi as well as green tea.

After lunch, we checked out the Thanks Shopping Arcade a.k.a. Hirao Main Shopping Arcade.

There weren't many places open because it was a holiday, but check out this stash of andagi in front of a tiny grocery store.

From there we went to check out one of the 7 ferry landings in this area.

The city runs these ferries and each one is free of charge. The main purpose is for people to commute from Osaka prefecture to Taisho, without having to go all the way around to where a road or bridge connects Osaka to Taisho.

If you want to check out some of these ferries, here is the info in English from the Osaka city page.

I also shot a short video of our ride on the Senbokumatsu ferry route. You'll see that we pass under the freeway. It was also kinda noisy because of the wind. It is a great way for bicyclists to cross over to Taisho.

Lastly, we checked out a man-made hill called Showa-yama. It is 33 meters (108 feet) high and made from the debris and rubble after digging the Osaka subway system.

Not many sights, but you really get an Okinawan vibe.

I'm glad we checked out this area.

Marutomi Shokudo
5-2-13 Hirao
Taisho-ku, Osaka
Phone: 06.6553.0274
Closed Tuesdays, Hours: 10:00-20:00

p.s. it's Friday here, I hope you have a nice weekend.


  1. I wish we had a little okinawa here!

  2. Different-looking noodles, yah? Looks ono.

  3. I hope you can find a Little Okinawa where you are Dennis :)

    It was delicious, Kirk :)

    This is the type they serve, Jalna :)

    It was K, it was :)

    Take care everyone.

  4. Shucks, too bad Satoshi had to work on the weekend otherwise I'm betting that this would've been an extended foodie weekend adventure.

    On another topic, do you know anything about "rice" made from konnyaku flour? I'm on a site that sells riso grosso (big rice) and pasta (spaghetti, tagliatelle, fettuccine) made with konnyaku flour. I already checked a couple of your old posts using devil's tongue.

  5. a lot of people eat rice made from konnyaku to lose weight, Rowena, we've never tried it though. If you can order small amounts that might be best, rather than ordering a whole lot that may or may not be delicious.

    Take care.


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