Thursday, April 04, 2013

boulangerie antibes

It had been awhile since I visited Boulangerie Antibes. I hadn't written up about them recently, in fact, the last time I wrote about them was here.

I had gone to pick up some items between that post and today's post, just didn't write anything up about it.

Anyway, while on a walk, I noticed that they had opened a shop in the Ikeda shopping arcade. So, I went in and bought a few things and found out that they moved.

A pepperoni pizza and walnut bread filled with curry.

A sour and dark cherry danish. Everything was delicious though I was bummed they didn't have their scones...

Still, I'm glad they moved, now they are closer. I'll be back.

Boulangerie Antibes (UPDATE: 1/2016 they are out of business)
3-12 Sakae-machi
Ikeda, Osaka
Phone: 072.751.7677
Hours: 8:00-19:00
Closed Tuesdays


  1. Mmm, that pizza looks great!

  2. guess you're coming to visit soon, Jalna :)

    it was delish, K :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Closer is better. I just love how in France, you just about come across a boulangerie or patisserie on every block. I would imagine that Japan (knowing how much they love french stuff) follows second in that respect, seeing how you come across these places.

  4. yup boulangeries aka panya are everywhere here, Rowena :)

    Take care.

  5. Thanks Kirk, you've been posting some enticing things lately as well :)

    Take care.


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