Friday, April 12, 2013

coq blanc

Whenever I am in the Momodani area, I've passed this tiny chocolate & cake shop called Coq Blanc. In the shop window there are many hollow chocolate animals as well as really huge chocolate sculptures.

Finally, I went in to check it out.

On my first visit, I picked up some orangette to try.

These aren't cut like match sticks but into triangles, I liked the tartness of the peel. The chocolate is semi-sweet.

A nice balance.

I went back again recently and the owner has started getting ready for Boy's Day with these kabuto (samurai helmets)

Check out the detail!

I also tried this chocolate stick. When I asked what was in the chocolate, the wife said "chocolate"...then added, "nuts"...actually there was a chewy nougat center with nuts and chocolate in good!

I'll be back.

Coq Blanc
7-1 Shinpoin-cho
Tennoji, Osaka
Phone: 06.6779.8468


  1. Love checking out chocolate shops like that, but I think the guy's wife needs to hone up on her saleswoman skills. I mean, she didn't even specify what kind of nuts???!

  2. I don't really think she could hear too well Rowena :)

    Take care.

  3. Ooh, looks like they sell a nice variety of treats!

  4. I hope to be able to try more, K :)

    Take care.


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