Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I spy...

lavender buds on the lanai...

Too bad I won't be able to see them bloom, though Satoshi has "promised" me that he won't kill my plants this time...we'll see.


  1. I think Satoshi and I must be long-lost siblings. I kill pretty much every plant I come into contact with (including an aloe vera plant and a Christmas cactus!).

    Perhaps you should leave them next to his futon--that way he'll see them every night before he goes to bed and just might remember to water them! (it would probably work for me, anyway!)

  2. Thanks K :)

    lol RY :)

    Take care you two.

  3. Lavender is a pretty hardy plant so he should have no problem looking after it. I'm worried for any vegs that you might have on the lanai.

  4. yeah, I know Rowena. I told him to eat the chard that is on the lanai...we'll see :)

    Take care.


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