Thursday, June 27, 2013

friends of the library book sale

This year the Friends of the Library Booksale runs from June 22 until June 30. I am usually in Hawaii for the tail-end of the sale, so this year, it was interesting to see what the beginning of the sale was like.

BFF and I went about an hour into the sale and people were already walking out with boxes of books!

I wanted to find easy books in French, but their French section was kind of sparse this year.

Still, I got these this year: "Happiness is a Warm Puppy", "French Idioms" & a 4-CD set for "Pimsleur's Quick & Simple" with tax $5.03...whoo!

If you have a chance to check out the sale, I encourage you to do so. It is a money-making for our public library system.


  1. Great blog, Greetings and best wishes always for you^^

  2. Thanks Hani :)

    Take care.

  3. When I read stuff like people walking out with boxes of books, it makes me guilty for throwing out the ones we don't have space for anymore.

  4. Wow, they still have these! One of my first paying jobs, other than picking pineapple on Lana'i was working as a Student Helper for Kaimuki, then McCully Library.

  5. aw too bad there isn't anywhere you could donate those, Rowena!

    indeed Kirk :)

    Take care you two.


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