Sunday, October 13, 2013


The day I came back from Hawaii, I was unpacking and getting ready to get some sleep when Satoshi says, "Kat, I tried to make rice..."

"There was a little more than 2 cups so I dumped it all in, but when it finished cooking it was super dry"

"So, I added more water and cooked it again"

"It was super junky"

So, I went over to check out the rice cooker...yup, clumpy, goopy, rice...

I told Satoshi, "I'll try to make ohagi from it"

He said, "you can do that?"

Well, the picture above is what I tried ohagi. I rolled a little scoop of rice into a ball then molded some sweet bean paste around it.

I also dusted some with green tea, some with kinako (powdered soy bean) and some were just as is.

He was impressed, I still have more "junk rice" but at least I know it can be salvaged.

To read more about ohagi, check out what I wrote here


  1. Bwahaha! How did he survive without you?!

  2. Poor Satoshi. I bet he is SO GLAD that you are back!

  3. lol Thanks LJ :)

    Thanks Emilio, I'll try sending you something soon.

    lol, I think he is happy, Rowena :)

    Take care everyone.

  4. Awwww! On one hand, it's sweet that he tried to help out. On the other hand, how can you screw up rice in the rice cooker? LOL!

    Good to see you back safely!

  5. Thanks Kirk!

    True, RY, but

    Take care you two.

  6. What a delicious way to salvage the rice!

  7. I still have some K :p

    Take care.


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