Thursday, November 21, 2013

inaba chicken curry series

So that canned butter chicken I was talking about is a new item from Inaba. They are the same people who made those curries with the tuna in them. I don't remember how I found out about it, but I have a feeling it was from social media.

Anyway, I was able to round up the 4 types : from top left: chicken green thai curry, butter chicken, bottom left: chicken red thai curry, chicken yellow thai curry.

So far we've only tried the butter chicken. Instead of it having an Indian curry flavor, I think it tasted similar to the tuna thai curries we've tried in the past with chicken instead.

I'm gonna save the other cans for days that we can't get out of the house to eat.

When we tried the butter chicken was when I made the sabzi and cabbage side dishes.

Since the veggie recipes served four, I served the other half when I made tandoori chicken.

The mango lassi was bought at the convenience store and doctored up with some yogurt.

The weather has turned a bit icy though we were able to get out to see some fall foliage, I'll talk about that soon.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. Would love to have time-saving curries like that around here. We got some snow this morning!

  2. Thanks for sharing! Those look pretty good for pantry staples to have on hand like you said!

  3. I saw on the news Rowena! Stay warm.

    Thanks K!

    Take care you two.


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