Monday, December 09, 2013

odds & ends

Randomness...this super cookie by Michel et Augustin was delicious. Ganache in the center as well as hazelnuts sprinkled here and there.

Seijo Ishii's premium cheesecake...a sponge cake bottom, raisins and almonds worked into the cream cheese filling, topped with a crunchy cookie!

Our train station recently opened a Beard Papa. I'm not sure if this is still the rage in Hawaii, but it was crazy here. Depending on the time of day, you need to stand in line if you want to purchase some cream puffs...this particular one was filled with sweet potato & custard...yum!

This year's batch of yuzu marmalade. I think it came out pretty good, if I do say so.

Another recipe from Masakichi's book...kabocha topped with a thick "ankake" sauce and soboro (seasoned ground chicken)...tasty!

1st time trying Bak Kut Teh (sparerib noodle) at Singapore Seafood Republic.

These ribs were fall off the bone tender! I was instructed to dip them into a dark soy & chili sauce which was very delicious.

I got away from my strawberry-banana smoothie and came up with this leaf mix + mint + pineapple juice + banana + yogurt.

Okay, so it still has banana in it...this was super refreshing!

Buta kakuni over age soba (ah-gay-so-bah) at Toshunkaku.

Tender pork belly topping deep fried noodles...comfort food!

Tully's honey cheese pancakes.

Oozy savory cheese sauce sandwiched between two pancakes. Honey drizzled and powdered sugar sprinkled...Filling but really delicious combo!

What have you been enjoying these days?


  1. Well that's a varied list of stuff you've been eating, and Beard Papa's!!! The last time I had those was so so long ago. Hmmm..maybe I gotta make cream puffs now.

  2. Ohhhh, I made Bak Kut Teh yesterday for dinner... Our favourite restaurant for this makes a richer, more herbal variant with vegetables too. Baby corn, woodear fungus, yuba and straw mushrooms are added. They're like little treats that have soaked up the flavour of the soup.

  3. Wow, you've been eating well Kat!

  4. hope you've been eating well too Rowena!

    ooh your favorite restaurant version sounds delicious, Fiona!

    Thanks Kirk, I hope you have been eating well too :)

    Take care everyone.

  5. The all look so yummmmmm!!!!

  6. Mmm, everything looks delicious! I love Beard Papa, I've had it in NYC and Seattle!

  7. thanks Jalna :)

    hope you liked it when you tried them K!

    Take care you two.


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