Wednesday, January 08, 2014

real fake cheese

I've told you about the ketchup-mustard squeezy thing at the convenience stores, here.

Well, the other day when I ate lunch at McDonald's, I was surprised at their cheese fries.

The McDonald's here recently came out with an American Vintage Series, the sandwiches they are serving are a honey mustard chicken and a double beef burger.

And their classic fries are served with "cheese and bacon"...

Well, the real fake cheese comes in a squeezy thing.

Perfect if you are taking out because your fries won't get soggy with the goopy cheese sitting on your fries while you go back home.

They could probably do without the real fake bacon bits though, they were and I personally would've preferred a spicy chili instead. I think that chili is more "American" than bacon bits...

And the most funny part were the direction on the inside cover of the box...1) Please drizzle the cheese sauce over all the fries 2) Please sprinkle the bacon flavored topping over everything 3) Please eat them with a fork

Is your McD's serving anything exciting?


  1. I love how the non-US McDonald's get so creative with their menu choices!

  2. It's always interesting to see what these fast-food chains serve outside the US. They're just serving up heartburn and obesity here Kat! ;o)

  3. it is quite different K!

    I'm sure they are serving up obesity here too Kirk :p

    Take care you two.

  4. Never thought McD could get so complicated! Haven't been to our local McD in awhile (they better start doing commericials!).

  5. Rowena, hope your McD's starts serving something interesting in your area :)

    Take care.


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