Friday, February 28, 2014


I had the chance to walk through Kuromon Ichiba (literally Black Gate Market), a shopping arcade with food vendors and fresh groceries...

This caught my eye...

Whoa?! 1500 yen for 1 wasabi root (Japanese horseradish)

Crazy, yeah?!

It's Friday here, yesterday we had rain all day, they say our air will be polluted by that PM2.5 from China today(boo)and then over the weekend they say we'll hit another cold snap...I've never known how to dress during winter but with the weather flip-flopping I'm even more confused!

Have a nice weekend!


  1. I have been known to buy overpriced stuff ('cause I just had to have it), but I know I would pass on the wasabi root....unless I was 100% sure that I could grow it in a pot and get (more) for my money. Weather here is fugly, but the Barolo helps ease my spirits. :-P

  2. I keep seeing the rain over there Rowena, I have you guys in my list on my weather app! I would definitely need Barolo too. Hope you guys get some nice weather soon!

    Take care :)

  3. Hi Kat - If I remember correctly, the last time I saw fresh wasabi here in San Diego, it was like $69 a pound.

  4. I'm reading up on pm2.5 now. Never heard of it before. I say, "boo" too. Hope you got good mask(s).

  5. I hope you stay warm and dry Kat!

  6. wow that is high Kirk!

    I don't use masks, Jalna, would need to use goggles too to totally protect myself...

    I hope you are keeping warm too K!

    Take care everyone.

  7. You've got us on your weather apps?! The fickle conditions is just driving me nuts, but I'll be okay if it throws a sunny day (or two) our way every once in a while.

    Speaking of weather apps....the MotH added Norway to his line-up because we want to take the Hurtigruten tour next year for the aurora borealis. It's like, every day he looks at that thing!

  8. well, I got COMO on my app, Rowena :) MotH, so cute!

    Take care.


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