Thursday, February 06, 2014


After making rafute and andasu, I did something I've been wanting to do for some time now...

Re-create Off the Wall's Shoyu Pork Pasta.

The flavors were a little lighter than theirs but still delicious.

Chop up some shoyu pork, I used some pieces of rafute.
Boil some okinawan soba, I think you could use fettuccine as a substitute.
Cut up some mustard cabbage, I used komatsuna (Japanese mustard cabbage)
some of the "gravy" from the shoyu pork
some butter
green onion some to garnish, some to cook with komatsuna

In a pan, put the komatsuna and green onion to start cooking it.
Add the pork to heat through and then add the cooked noodles
Add the gravy and coat everything with it
Then add some butter at the end
Serve immediately

I know, it's not really a recipe...

NOTES: This was really easy and really delicious, nice with beer. I froze a couple of pieces of rafute to make this again.

What have you been enjoying?


  1. OOohhh, mustard cabbage! Definitely great with beer.

  2. I think this may be the first time I made you comment with "ooh" Kirk :)

    Indeed Rowena :)

    Take care you two!


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