Saturday, March 29, 2014

7 year service

It's hard to believe that seven years has passed since FIL's death, and a lot has happened since then.

We got together for his 7 year service and then had lunch at Kyoto Hyatt's Touzan.

All the dishes were delicious and used a lot of seasonal ingredients.

The dessert was a sakura mochi and had cherry blossom petals in it. Super refreshing and unusual!

There was way more food, it is just that I was too busy eating...ha!

The weather was nice and it was a nice gathering. I think MIL was glad that everything went smoothly.

We miss you FIL!


  1. That's nice that you all got together for lunch (and a really beautiful and delicious one at that). I can only imagine how great the other "missing" foods were!

  2. it was pretty as well as tasty, Rowena :)

    Take care!


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