Monday, March 17, 2014


I was recently inspired by Deb's post to try a new pesto.

Her version uses mint and pistachios.

I adapted from it and used kale in place of parsley and I also added some garlic.

Amazingly it tastes like you have basil in there...

I used some on a filet I pan fried.

And I also put some into an omelette to make "green eggs and spam"...ha ha.

A handful of mint leaves (I used a combo of spearmint and peppermint)
A handful of kale
A handful of pistachios (shelled)
1 clove of garlic
a little lemon juice
some parmesan cheese
3 tablespoons of olive oil
a little water to loosen things up

Whiz the first 6 ingredients then drizzle in the olive oil
If you need to add a little water to loosen things up

NOTES: this is a nice way to add mint into your diet, which is supposed to help digestion. my version was a bit chunky, but I enjoyed this. I'm making this again.


  1. Happy Saint Patrick's Day! Your meal looks just right!

  2. Your version looks great--I love the addition of the kale. ;-)

  3. Thanks Kris :)

    Thanks Deb, I was too lazy to buy parsley ;p

    Take care you two.

  4. Green eggs and spam...very funny! Love the addition of kale to this (so I hope the bugs don't eat all of my seedlings!).

  5. Perfect for St Patrick's day Kat! Never tried pesto with Spam, that's a new one.

  6. I hope you'll be able to enjoy some kale, Rowena!

    hope you had a nice st.patrick's day Kirk!

    Take care you two.

  7. Green eggs and Spam, love it!


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