Monday, May 26, 2014

spoon vege

New from Haagen Dazs is Spoon Vege (spoon veggie) & carrot ice cream, tomato & cherry ice cream.

The orange is dominant in the one on the left and tomato pops in and out in the one on the right.

The portions are a little smaller than their mini cups but it is very creamy.

I'm glad I tried these.


  1. I'm just amazed at the kind of flavor combos Haagen Daz comes up with. I hope I find something cool across the border!

  2. Veggie!!! Must be nonfattening then, yah!

  3. Um, not sure I would try those! Haha, somethings are not meant for ice cream!

  4. ooh I hope you find something cool too, Rowena!

    lol Jalna :)

    lol Mich :)

    interesting but amazingly good, K!

    Take care everyone!


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