Saturday, May 10, 2014

things I'm liking (disliking)

Random things I'm liking and disliking...starting with disliking...

This dry as sand doughnut from Tully's...I can't believe they charge money for this. Moreover, I can't believe I paid money for it.

Disliking this Doritos. It was bacon and mustard flavored.

Whole seed mustard totally overpowered

Ghana paired with Kappa ebi sen...shrimp chips covered with dark chocolate.


Liking the pear ginger corn muffin and cinnamon apple biscuit at City Bakery.

They use candied ginger in the muffin, there is also quite a nice amount of pears in this too.

The cinnamon apple biscuit has a lot of apples in it too...delicious!

Pierre Hermé paired up with Ohayo Yogurt for this...a yogurt with lots of mandarin orange bits in it.

I would prefer a little thicker yogurt but this was still delicious.

With all the mint on my lanai, I decided to try making my own mojitos.

Delicious! Now, if I could only find some local limes with lots of juice...these limes from Mexico were a bit dry..

Tully's chili cheese melt...spicy chili. Sausage with a nice snap. Baguette bun & lots of real fake cheese.

The soufflé pancake at Hoshino Coffee.

You have to wait about 15-20 minutes for this, but it is worth the wait. Super airy!

Rum, coke & lime...refreshing!

Have been hooked on french toast lately.

It is a great way to use up old bread. I like to top our french toast with lots of fresh fruits too.

Oh and while it is cooking, I pour the leftover "batter" over everything and let it all cook. You have to separate them when the cooking is done but you don't waste anything.

The Paris Brest from Beard Papa filled with matcha (green tea) custard...this one is around for a limited time.

The powdered matcha on top is a little bitter, but the custard is very rich and creamy.

What are you enjoying these days?


  1. Too bad about the donut but the pancake looks wonderful!

  2. nice to hear from you Dennis :)

    Take care!

  3. I can tell you that I am not enjoying as much stuff as you are/did! Let's see...Magnum mini bars in Bailey's flavor were pretty good, but my favorite are still the ones in the Kiss collection.

  4. ooh bailey's flavor sounds good, Rowena!

    Take care.

  5. I love Beard Papa - that looks delicious!

  6. they keep coming out with new stuff, K!

    Take care.


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