Monday, May 19, 2014

weekend of roses

Saturday was a beautiful day. After Satoshi's German class, we grabbed some things for lunch and headed to Utsubo Park.

There were tons of people as they were having their Rose Festa.

After eating and walking around the park, we headed towards Nakanoshima Park.

It's been so hot that I've been drinking iced coffee.

Nakanoshima's roses were beautiful and many people were out and about trying to get the best pictures.

Sunday, I packed us some things for breakfast and we headed to our favorite park, Aramaki Rose Park.

Besides the bento, we also had rice balls filled with aburamiso and some topped with preserved sakura (cherry blossoms). We also had some fruit (bing cherries, strawberries) and shared a brownie by Fat Witch (I'll post about this another time).

This park never disappoints.

(panorama of Aramaki Rose Park)

We walked to Takarazuka after this and found ourselves in a bit of a timeslip, I'll post about this too, soon!

Have a nice week!


  1. The sunshine look wonderful Kat. It's been overcast, cold, and rainy where we're at.

  2. You guys have the best when it comes to so many parks! Must've smelled wonderful among all those roses.

  3. So many pretty flowers!

  4. Thanks Kirk, hope you get some sun soon!

    Thanks Jalna :)

    It smelled wonderful, Rowena :)

    indeed K :)

    Take care everyone!


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