Sunday, July 13, 2014

croque mexican

A couple of lunches before flying out to Hawaii, I had this...a croque mexican.

One of my favorite bakeries in our area, À bientôt, had this unique "sandwich".

I read "croque mexican" on the tag in front of the tray and had to try it.

Thinly sliced bread. Chili. Lots of cheddar cheese and a slice of eggplant.

Kinda lasagna-ish.

I think the chili could have been a little spicier, but I still enjoyed this.


  1. Looks like a pretty good sized sandwich Kat.

  2. They forgot jalapeno and beans!

  3. Delicious-sounding! Have a good and fun trip. :-)

  4. it was a nice size for me Kirk, it might have been too little for you ;)

    had a few beans but no jalapenos, Rowena :)

    Thanks Paz!

    Take care everyone.


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