Wednesday, August 06, 2014

so cool

After reading about Kirk's daikon cakes recipe being used in a children's book here, I made note that when I was in Hawaii, I would I check our local library to see if I could borrow it.

They had it but it was checked out at the time, so I requested to borrow it after it was checked back in.

A couple of days later, I checked on my request and the book was waiting for me!

So, I picked it up and read it.

I loved the story and I especially loved how they explained the different things done during the Chinese New Year.

It was so cool to see a fellow blog friend featured in a book!

Way to go Kirk!


  1. Oh geez Kat....thanks so much for the mention! I do like the book, I think it's really cute.

  2. it is really cute, Kirk!

    Take care :)

  3. It looks like an adorable book. Very cool!

  4. totally adorable Deb :)

    Take care!

  5. Sure miss checking books out at the library (and hanging out there for the air conditioning!).

  6. Rowena, I love how they have internet now :)

    Take care!


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