Friday, September 12, 2014

campbell early

We recently tried a grape called "Campbell Early".

The skins are dark purple and quite bitter and there are also seeds.

The size of the orbs are bigger than Delaware, oblong shaped and are a little tart.

I'm glad we got to try this variety.

It's Friday and we have a 3-day weekend, hope your weekend is a good one!


  1. How very interesting. Never heard of this type of grape before.

  2. if you see it where you are Paz, it may be fun to try :)

    definitely not as large as kyoho, K, but bigger than Delaware:)

    Take care you two!

  3. Were those flown in or does Japan also grow varieties of grapes?

  4. these were grown here Rowena, but the plant is apparently from America.

    Take care.


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