Wednesday, October 29, 2014


@ aramaki rose park Sunday the weather was quite summery, I think the high was 25C!

We packed a spam musubi bento and went to check out the roses at Aramaki Rose Park.

Arriving close to 9:00, we had the whole place to ourselves. It was nice, no one smoking or talking loudly. Just peace and quiet.

As the tour buses of people arrived, we left and went home to figure out what to do about lunch...

at ITM airport, eating #lunch, pondering places to #travel to #osaka #japan We ended up hanging out at the Itami airport (which is nearby where we live)...just gazing at the planes, dreaming of places to travel to.

The airport also has a huge furniture/interior store, so we did a little window shopping...I think we may change our dining table soon...whoo!

The weather was the point of being, HOT! At least it wasn't humid.

What did you do on the weekend?


  1. Isn't the weather just plain schizo? Last Tuesday it was 25, then it gradually went down and since the start of this week it has been around 7° in the morning. At least it isn't raining....yet.

  2. That's really nice...... I slept a lot this past weekend...then the Missus talked me into making Nishime!

  3. aw thanks Jalna :)

    tell me about it Rowena, we gonna have rain this weekend :(

    lol Kirk I like the Missus :)

    Take care everyone!


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