Tuesday, December 09, 2014


I had been curious seeing these anpo-gaki in the markets.

They are semi-dried persimmons. I hadn't bought them before because they tend to be kinda pricey. The kaki pictured above is 125 grams...pretty huge if you ask me.

Cutting into it is like cutting a dried apricot but there is lots of "gel". I found a great detailed article about kaki, in general, here, if you are interested.

Satoshi and I shared the anpo-gaki, I had mine with oatmeal and some pumpkin seeds.

The kaki was so sweet! like eating a jam.

I can't believe we've been missing out on this delicacy...now we know.


  1. Looks great the way you prepared it!

  2. This sounds like something the Missus would like Kat!

  3. Thanks K!

    I am pretty sure the Missus would love this Kirk!

    Take care you two!


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